International Academy on Sustainable Development 2019
The International Academy on Sustainable Development is a capacity building program ideated and implemented by the Research Centre Silvia Santagata – Ebla (for the first three editions) and UNESCO through the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (based in Venice, Italy), with the support of several local partners in the Turin and Piedmont area and Milan. The Fondazione Santagata for the Economics of Culture achieved the initiative as of 2019.
The main objective of the program is to contribute to the achievement of the UN 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals, through an effective advancement of institutional and professional capacities of managing authorities, communities and relevant operators from UNESCO designations.
Launched as a pilot program in occasion of the IIIrd International Forum on Local Economic Development in 2015, in collaboration with the United Nations System Staff College and the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization, the Academy is based in the city of Torino (Italy), which counts three different UNESCO designations.
Beside the training activities, the Academy also promotes a Community of good management practices in UNESCO designated areas, an international cooperative network of site managers, operators and practitioners committed to disseminate sustainable practices of territorial and community management.
In accordance with the overall spirit of the Academy, the main aim of this year’s workshop is to contribute to advancing professional and institutional capacities of managing authorities, communities and relevant practitioners from UNESCO designations on the selected topic, in order to increase the benefits for the local communities and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.​
The 2019 programme will focus on the following UNESCO designations:
Lists and Register of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Biosphere Reserves included in the Man and the Biosphere programme
Special attention will be paid to “multiple designated areas”, i.e. local territories with a concentration or proximity of more than one UNESCO designation, in order to analyze the potentialities, challenges and possible experiences related to the coordination and integration between different designations.
Main Topics
The workshop will focus on UNESCO Designations and their potential role in addressing sustainable development goals, with specific reference to the UN 2030 Agenda.
Specific topics addressed in the 2019 edition will be:
1. Integrated management models for cultural and natural resources, exploring emerging approaches, tools and practices to effectively engage multiple stakeholders and to better integrate food-related cultural and natural resources within local development programmes.
2. The role of creativity and innovation in community based development, to understand how the synergy between food-related heritage and cultural and creative industries can sustain inclusive social and economic growth in UNESCO designations.
3.Tools and practices to facilitate the management and development of food-related sustainable tourism at UNESCO designated areas, through fostering increased awareness, capacity and balanced participation of all stakeholders.
You can look here the full Program of the International Academy on Sustainable Development 2019.
You can download the Report of the International Academy on Sustainable Development 2019 edition.
Promoting Committe:
Fondazione Santagata for the Economics of Culture
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe
Promoting Committe:
University of Turin – UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development and Territory Management
IULM University – IULM Innovation Lab, Milan
University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo
Scientific Committee:
Giovanna Segre (University of Torino); Martha Friel (IULM University); Patrizia Lombardi (Politecnico di Torino); Matteo Rosati (UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe); Carlo Salone (University of Torino)
Faculty and contributions:
Monica Abbiati (Lombardia Region)
Jonathan Baker (UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe)
Enrico Bertacchini (University of Turin)
Carlotta Boffa (Alba Municipality)
Paola Borrione (Fondazione Santagata)
Otto Bugnano (Fondazione Matrice)
Mauro Carbone (Ente Turismo Alba Bra Langhe Roero)
Roberta Cevasco (UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe) Saverio Dani (Fondazione CRC)
Paolo Corvo (UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe) Franco Fassio (UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe) Stefano Fenoglio (Università del Piemonte Orientale)
Laura Fornara (Compagnia di San Paolo)
Martha Friel (IULM University)
Agostina Lavagnino (Lombardia Lavagnino)
Frank Lohrberg (RWTH Aachen University
Cassiano Luminati (Polo Poschiavo, AlpFoodWay project)
Filippo Margiaria (Piccolo Festival della Felicità)
Angelo Miglietta (IULM University)
Stefano Parise (Director of the Library Sector City of Milan)
Alessio Re (Fondazione Santagata)
Matteo Rosati (UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe) Donatella Saccone (University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo)
Nuria Sanz Gallego (FAO)
Giovanna Segre (University of Turin)
Benedetta Ubertazzi (UNESCO Facilitator, Global Capacity Building Programme fo Safeguarding ICH)
Gabriele Volpato (University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo)
In collaboration with:
Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in South Eastern Europe under the Auspice of UNESCO (Sofia Bulgaria)
IULM University- Innovation Lab, Milan
University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo
In cooperation with:
Citiy of Turin/Torino Design Week 2018 City of Milan
Fondazione Ordine Mauriziano Associazione Stupinigi è
Ente di gestione delle aree protette dei Parchi Reali Parco del Monviso
Ente Turismo Alba Bra Langhe Roero
Fondazione Matrice
Fondazione CRC
Circolo del Design Torino AgeendaWiFi